
About Counselling

Counselling is the process of communicating with another person in a way that encourages mental growth and understanding.

It is more than lending a sympathetic ear to a person’s problems. It is probing, questioning and encouraging the person being counselled to look for new options and solutions to life’s difficulties.

You may be taking this course either for your own personal self-development or to become a professional helper. Either way, learning these methods and skills will help you to become more effective in your interactions with other people. 

You will learn to become more effective in all areas of life, including family, friendships, and work.

Course outcomes

Against the background of ‘helping’, this Counselling Skills course serves a number of purposes:

1. Behavioural Grasp  

It will help you develop a cognitive (and behavioural) grasp of the principles, skills, and methods that turn helping models into useful tools.

2. Self-exploration

 It will help you explore your own strengths and weaknesses as a helper. That is, it provides a way of having you apply the helping model to yourself first before trying it out on others. As such, it can help you use personal strengths and manage weaknesses that could stand in the way of personal excellence.

3. Personal problem solving

4. Training Clients in problem management

When you are qualified you will be able to help clients use these skills to ‘manage their own problems. 

Training in problem-management skills encourages self-responsibility and helps make people less dependent on others.

Book your Counselling Skills course now